I’ve recently reorganised the digital copies of my paintings and drawings, and you can find them all using the following links:

Cambridge Cityscapes
landing page for all the Cambridge pictures with links to:
a series of six paintings of views from the top of Great St Mary’s Church
Views of Cambridge
including paintings of Colleges, Chapels, bridges, iconic streets, rooftop views…

Religious art
landing page for all the religious paintings, including links to:
Book illustrations
book covers, illustrations etc commissioned for other people’s books
Other religious art
a selection of biblical and theological paintings and drawings

Miscellaneous art
anything that doesn’t fit into another category!

b/w drawings for service sheets and as illustrations (varying styles and quality!) including the illustrations for my own book.

Commissioning artwork
I am very much an amateur, and painting is something I do because it brings my joy and helps me relax, rather than for commercial gain. Having said that, I have undertaken a number of commissions over the last few years, and am always happy to be approached, even if I can’t always say yes.

15 thoughts on “ART

  1. Hi Ally – I’m a friend of a friend who suggested I look at your fantastic artworks because I was looking for an artistic depiction of the Magnificat as a visual for a virtual choir video I’m putting together. I love your work and I’ve found just what I need – it will be credited, of course!

  2. Thank you so much for these images! I am a bulletin editor for my parish, and I love being able to use art portraying people of color! Besides ancient icons, it can be hard to find non-white-European images that are free to use. I am bookmarking your blog 🙂 Thanks again.

  3. Hi Ally – your painting of self-care Elijah is perfect for next Sunday. It’s already helping me to shape my sermon. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  4. Rev. Ally, we have used your artwork, Women of Holy Week, for our worship services this past week at the Church of the Village UMC in NYC ( Thank you for this blessing!

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